Wordpress Hosting Service

The Website Development Tools by Wealthy Affiliate have made building a website possible for people who can neither code nor design. These tools are beginner-friendly and the websites made with them convert visitors into customers effortlessly.  Wealthy Affiliate Website Development Tools

In this post, we’re going to discuss how you can easily build, manage, and write powerful content for your website using the three Website Development Tools offered by Wealthy Affiliate. 

We discussed SiteDomains as Domain hosting in the last post. Now let’s talk about SiteBuilder, SiteManager and SiteContent in this order.

Wealthy Affiliate Unique Website Development Tools

1. Site Builder – A Step by Step Process to Build a Website in 30 Seconds 

Site Builder provides you the necessary tools to build your website. It provides three easy steps to build a responsive WordPress theme website in 30 seconds. 

Members can choose from 4 (free members) to up to 4,000 (premium members) of WordPress themes, and switch between them with one click. I don’t think I have to tell you how valuable this is.

Using the Site Builder along with the huge library of themes, you can Build a Free WordPress Website in 30 SECONDS Only! 

Try to Create a Website less than 1 minute!

2. Site Manager – One Stop to Review & Manage Website Performance 

Site Manager helps you manage your website with so many useful tools.

All WA memberships come with a convenient dashboard report that shows every technical aspect of your website, e.g. last backup date, update time, malware & virus monitoring, site performance, number of pages with Google index, any pending comments, etc.

Premium members have access to “Site Health” feature which provides real time recommendations to improve your website. It helps you keep things manageable as you publish a lot of content on your website. 

How? By pointing out any tricky problems that might be affecting your site’s rankings negatively.

For example, they provide the PageSpeed Insights tool, which is powered by Google, to scan each of your webpage with just one click. You can also easily search and scan any web page you want anytime.

PageSpeed Insights powered by Google

3. Site Content – Ultimate Writing Platform for All Writers

Site Content is an ultimate writing platform that makes your writing process simple and straightforward.

It provides a centralized place to organize your content. The built-in Grammar Check will improve your accuracy while the instant count of words, paragraphs, and headings will make your writing more manageable. All in all, it can help you take your writing process to the next level.

You can also set writing goals with percentages to track your progress.

They also provide 5 key writing topic templates by default for you to choose from, e.g. Privacy Policy, About Me, Keyword Rich Content structure…etc.

So, even if you’re not a natural born writer, these templates can help you start writing comfortably. You may even create your own templates to make it easier to manage posts on similar topics. It’s really easy with all the tools they offer.

Once your content is ready to be published, all you need to do is click the “Publish” button and your content will be live on your website. Simple as I promised!

>> Click Here for the Full Details of SiteContent Walkthrough

4. Kraken Image Optimizer – Build Websites That Load Like A Bolt of Lightning

​Every installation of WordPress in WA now comes equipped with the Kraken Image Optimizer since July 2019. It’s an advanced solution that makes your image size as small as possible so your website may load at lightning fast speeds.

If you’re not convinced already, Kraken Image Optimizer is the same solution used by some of the biggest brands in the world like Microsoft, Dell, GoDaddy and so many more.

Kraken Image Optimizer

If those massive corporations are using it, you know it’s super effective. And you don’t even have to pay for it because WA gives you their own premium API key for free. In short, any images you upload through the SiteContent or directly in the WordPress will be automatically optimized to the best file size.

Image loading is crucial to your website ranking as it affects the user experience across all devices, including desktop, tablet and mobile phones. Each second is critical for user retention or loss. With this thoughtful tool, you can now optimize your website to load as fast as it should on any device.

Cons – Nothing Is Perfect. Same Goes For Wealthy Affiliate

Site Content – Accessible Online Only

The Site Content tool is only accessible when you’re online. If your internet is unstable, good luck publishing your work.

With that being said, you can always write offline in Word or any software of your choice and then paste it to the SiteContent tool when your internet is back up. So, you can avoid the internet connection problem while still enjoying the benefits of using the grammar checking, writing structure monitoring and one click publishing tools to manage your writing professionally. This is what I do and it has worked great for me so far.

As such, I have rated it 4.75/5 for the Website Development Tools.


Wealthy Affiliate provides all the website development tools you need to succeed. From setting up WordPress, themes and plugins to safety, backup, and server speed optimization — you get everything you could ask for and even more. 

All these features have saved me SO much time, as they take care of all the technical issues. This way I can focus on writing amazing content for my readers, which is something only I can do. 

Still, no matter how great your content is, you need an audience to succeed, especially one that is relevant and interested in what you’re writing. But how can you make your content stand out from the ocean of websites trying to reach the same targeted audience? 

Wealthy Affiliate knows this pain, which is why they have put in so much effort to help their members (free or premium) rank high on all major search engines. 

Search engines love websites that look great and load fast. While that is a great place to start, that’s not nearly enough to rank on the first page of big search engines like Google. And if you’re not ranking on the first page, you might as well not be ranking at all.

Want to know how you can make search engines fall in love with your website and send you 100’s of targeted visitors every single day? Read my next post to find out everything Wealthy Affiliate offers to help their members with this.